Miss Teen Contestant Info

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Miss Teen Contestant Info

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General Info

2024 Miss Teen KY County Fair, Blair Gaddis, representing Daviess County Fair

The 2025 Miss Teen Kentucky County Fair Pageant will be held October 17 and 18, 2025 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Louisville, KY. The pageant will begin on Saturday night at 7 pm EDT . There will be links elsewhere on this site to purchase tickets for the pageant. (Tickets will go on sale the first part of September)

Remember that your pageant application and a birth certificate must be filed with KAFHS prior to deadline in order for you to compete. Other rules and regulations can also be found on this site

Crowne Plaza reservations may be made using this link:

Group Name:

Group Code:

Call In Number:


Interviews = 30%

Opening Number = 20%

Evening wear = 50%

Prize Money

Miss Teen $500

1st Runner Up $350

2nd Runner Up $250

3rd Runner Up $200

4th Runner Up $150


Tickets for our October pageants—Miss Teen and Miss Pre-Teen Kentucky County Fair—will go on sale September at 1 pm,cst. Our site—kafs.net—will be the only source for advance sales, which will end on October at midnight. Under the new system, customers will be able to choose their seats (much like concerts and airlines). Tickets will be priced according to their location and will be priced at $20, $25 and $30 (including all fees and taxes). Credit and debit cards will be accepted as payment for the online purchases. We will not be doing electronic or digital tickets this year; the tickets will be available at the desk for pickup on Friday, October 17 during specified times and on Saturday October 18 during specified times prior to the pageant.

Tickets will be available for purchase at the desk for $35.00, during the specified times on Friday and Saturday prior to the pageant.

Entry Form Instructions

The form cannot be saved and revisited so it is advised that all the needed information be gathered in anticipation of completing the form in one sitting. Every field on the form is “required”, meaning it will not submit if a field is left blank.

We also require a birth certificate from contestants. In order to attach the birth certificate, you will need to scan it as a PDF or JPEG and store it on the computer you will be using to complete the application.

To access the form, visit our site at www.kafs.net, hover on the PAGEANTS button and scroll down to the MISS TEEN button, clicking on the button. A page featuring a photo of last year’s pageant winner appears. Scroll down to the blue bar below the photo and click on the REGISTER button at the right.

When the form appears, fill in each field. Please use upper and lower case, correct spelling and grammar.

At the point where it asks for the birth certification, you will need to find it in your storage and OPEN it so the name of the file appears in the window.

Read the “terms and conditions” and AGREE TO them.

Click the “I am not a Robot” and SUBMIT button.

What To Wear

Registration: Casual Clothes.

Interview: The girls will wear "BLUE (BLUE) DENIM JEANS". FULL LENGTH JEANS, NO HOLES, RIPES, NO DISTRESSING, NO EMBELLISHMENTS. White shoes of their choice and the T-Shirt provided by the committee. T-Shirts this year are Metallic Blue with Hot Pink lettering.

MANDATORY PRACTICE on Saturday Morning from 9-12. Anyone who is absent will result in a 25-point deduction in their score. No Exceptions.
If making appointments for hair and make-up for Saturday night need to make them after 12:00p the day of the pageant. Contestants must stay for the whole Saturday morning practice. Stage protocol should be followed strictly. In opening walk there will be NO TURNS. If not followed 10 points will be deducted from the contestant's score. There will be a parent meeting for all parents on Saturday morning at 9:00am after dropping off their daughters.

Opening Number: The girls will wear a party dress. The diagram below shows what must be covered. No strapless dresses.

Pageant: The girls will wear gowns, these should be age appropriate.

The winner of the pageant will need to meet with Carol Jaggers, Pageant Chair after the pageant, to go over the responsibilities during the winners reign.



Contestant Registration

Friday, 11 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Contestant registration will start at 11:00am on Friday morni
ng October 17th, 2025. Registration will be across from the ballroom at the Crowne Plaza. Your contestant information, assigned number for the pageant, identification badge, and time schedule with the location for the interviews will be given to you at that time plus other information. An adult chaperone must accompany you to this.


Friday, 3 p.m.

Contestants report to the interview room at the times assigned during registration. The contestants will wear "BLUE (BLUE) DENIM JEANS". FULL LENGTH JEANS, NO HOLES, RIPES, NO DISTRESSING, NO EMBELLISHMENTS. White shoes of their choice and the T-Shirt provided by the committee. After a two-minute interview with three judges at once, each contestant will move to a room where snacks and drinks will be available. As small groups finish eating and visiting they may go over some of the opening routine. Contestants will be released and free to go with their parents once their group completes practice. All the above is closed and no parents or friends are allowed in these areas.

Important Notes!

For security reasons, on Friday, after every event, , contestants will only be released to an adult with the contestant badge number which will be in the contestant registration packet.




Saturday, 9 -12 am, Ballroom

MANDATORY REHEARSAL on Saturday Morning from 9-12. Anyone who is absent will result in a 25-point deduction in their score. No Exceptions.
If making appointments for hair and make-up for Saturday night need to make them after 12:00p the day of the pageant. In opening walk there will be NO TURNS. If not followed 10 points will be deducted from the contestant's score. Contestants must stay for the whole Saturday morning practice. There will be a parent meeting for all parents on Saturday morning at 9:00am after dropping off their daughters.
Rehearsal is in the ballroom across from where you registered on Friday. Contestants are urged to dress casual and wear their contestant numbers. Bring the pageant shoes you plan to wear that night so you can practice walking the runway in them. No one is permitted in the room except pageant contestants and the committee. Contestants are encouraged to bring bottled water to rehearsal. Rehearsal should be over by noon if everyone listens, and follows the instructions given. No cell phones allowed.

Report To Dressing Room

Saturday, 6 pm

Contestants begin reporting to the dressing room in their party dress. Contestants must be in the dressing room by 6:30 pm. A female friend may help you transport your gown and any other items at this time to the dressing room, but they must leave immediately. You are encouraged to bring a full length mirror to the dressing room if desired.

No cell phones are allowed in the dressing room at any time. No signs or video cameras are allowed in the pageant hall at any time. The pageant will be photographed with copies available for a fee.


Saturday, 7 pm, Ballroom

While the pageant is in progress, contestants are required to remain in the dressing room. No one will be allowed in the dressing room except the committee. Contestants must remain in their evening wear until the winners are announced. No men will be allowed in the dressing room at any time! Please observe this request.

The winner will be required to meet with Carol Jaggers, Pageant Chair after the pageant, to review the expectations during the winners reign.

Miss Teen Committee Members

Carol Jaggers, Hardin, larryandcarol43@windstream.net, 270.369.6098, Chair

Shanna True, Boyle, Shanna.true@aol.com, 903-517-6085, Vice-Chair

Beckie Downs, Nelson, bdowns@bardstown.com, 502.507.4766

Kathryn Gilligan, Mason, kittengilligan@yahoo.com, 606.563.8970

Marshall Judd, Adair, marshallgranny@yahoo.com, 270.250.1650,

Hershell Key, keyhershell@gmail.com, Clinton, 606.306.1233

Cammie Mounce Welker, Pulaski, cammie.mounce@pulaski.kyschools.us, 606.416.7037

Myra McCrystal, Mercer, mmccrystal@whitakerbank.com. 859.613-3389

Valerie Sanzenbacker, Alexandria. valjoy@gmail.com

Mary Lou Watkins, Woodford, GWatk12085@aol.com, 859.846.4087

Billy Picket, Adair, bpickett52@gmail.com, 270.250.4852

Theresa Reed, Nelson, tlreed1967@yahoo.com
Melissa Burkhart, mvarner28@yahoo.com, 859.227.8338

Tonya Rickard, Hopkins, trickard04@gmail.com, 270-339-6308

Jessica Harris, Boyle, jessica.lharris@yahoo.com, 859-339-5475

Amanda Buchanan, 859-612-7303

Chris Hunt, Estill, cshunt437@gmail.com, 606-975-3311

Beth Odle is the secretary of the association and is responsible for pageant paperwork, ticket sales, membership, etc. If you need to question anything in this area, you can contact the association office at info@kafs.net or at 270-590-0855.

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